Douglas Smith | Writer

Hi! Thanks for visiting. I'm an award-winning author of fantasy, SF, horror, supernatural, and the ever popular "undefinable" and have been published in thirty countries and twenty-five languages. 


I'm a three-time winner of the Aurora Award and a finalist for the John W. Campbell Award, the juried Sunburst Award, the CBC Bookies award, and France's juried Prix Masterton and Prix Bob Morane. 


My website is and I tweet at

Trouble In Paradise

Trouble In Paradise - Robert B. Parker I've never been comfortable with how Parker handled female characters in his Spenser books. Sometimes he surprised me, but looking back, there was never a female character that somehow did not relate to sex. That problem really comes into focus in this book, the second of the Jesse Stone series. Too bad, as the first book in the series was quite good and the main mystery/crime in this one was handled well. Not sure if I'll try another one.

Currently reading

The Scottish Banker of Surabaya
Ian Hamilton
Access All Areas: A User's Guide to the Art of Urban Exploration
The House by the Churchyard
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
The Haunting of Hill House
Shirley Jackson, Laura Miller